
20 06 2013

Two and a half weeks ago I got extremely sick again. I am pretty sure it was food related but the scary thing is I have no clue what I had ate wrong. I was not able to keep food down for about a week and the next week I was still getting sick after eating. Stomach pain and a new physically exhausting feeling overcame me. Well meaning family and friends were urging me to get to a doctor. However I have been that route. I have spent thousands of dollars in medical bills doing every medical procedure and test the doctors could think of. Of course after each one I was told I was in prime shape- healthy as can be. On my own I discovered allergies to Aspartame (fake sugars) and Monosodium Glutamate.
I decided I needed to try a different type of doctor this time. I went to a natural health clinic where they do a procedure called NAET. They tested me for a few allergies and balanced my body. I liked the way I felt after my appointment so I will continue to go to weekly allergy tests and treatments. They say after being treated, I can be 80% or more cured from that allergy. I will no longer need to be nervous to eat away from home or fear severe allergic reactions. So far they found allergies to egg and whey proteins, also that my body isn’t absorbing Vitamin C and I have a strange “knot” in my stomach. The allergist did a lot of deep massage to try to get it to release but it is still there. I have to get that checked out by an actual MD next time.
Overall I am hopeful again.